News from
Tony Packer

Update from Serbia

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It’s been wonderful to work alongside the team here in Sid Serbia, in the refugee camp. Some of the team spend their day working in the laundry, others serving tea and coffee and others spending time with the refugees playing games. This leads to them explaining why are doing this and this is where we bring the gospel to them comes in. After a few days of the team speaking with two people, I had the joy of leading them to Jesus.

We have countless conversations with the refugees and the seed is being sown, please pray that others will reap the harvest, many reports have come back to us of those finding Salvation in another country. Sunday was a great day, I spoke at a Methodist church in Sid and God spoke, more on that later. Please, please continue to pray for all refugees everywhere and those that work with them. Thank you, brother Tony.

2022 Project - UPDATE!

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Dear Prayer Partners around the world, thank you for your faithfulness in praying for this project. Originally, we were looking at the end of October to purchase this house but mid September I felt God saying, believe me for the end of September. So I asked the Lord for a gift to come in each day of the last week of September and this happened but on the Friday there was a postal strike and my heart sank. Then I went into my bank account and there was a bank transfer for Friday. We are not quite there yet due to the fall in the pound sterling but our God is great.

I called the team to start the purchase procedure on Saturday 1st October, as he was going to see the owner, she arrived with a big FOR SALE to be put up. He told her there was no need for that and when she heard what we wanted to use it for she cried for joy and gave him the keys. The neighbours around the house and church soon heard the news and they all offered to help clean the place up.

I leave for Serbia on the 14th for a month and will be spending two weeks in the refugee camp.

Our God is so good, so join with us (the Serbian Christians) and give Him all the Praise, Thanks and Glory for this remarkable answer to prayer.

Thank you for standing with us in Prayer, you too are part of this team.

Oresnjak Summer Camps, North Serbia.

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These are a few abstracts from testimonies from the young people of Summer Camp.
The subject for the week was on the life of Daniel.
1: - Oresnjak is where I excepted Jesus as my Saviour, every year I come with doubts and questions which are all answered through the preaching and conversations. It also has a great impact on my spiritual growth – Sanja

Encouraging news from Austria

Antonio came to faith in Christ about two years ago by watching YouTube videos created by different English speaking evangelists and he quickly developed a passion for evangelism. First he thought there were no Austrian believers who share their faith online or publicly. A friend of ours serving with another mission stumbled upon him and asked if I would get in touch with him, this was early 2022. Since then I have been in touch frequently via WhatsApp and phone. Antonio has visited our outreach team in Linz twice so far. I will visit him and his home church in the south of Austria in the middle of August. I want to invest in him as we see great potential in him becoming an evangelist. - Stefan Hoefler.

(From Tony Packer – I thought this would be encouraging to you all that prayers are being answered. Let us continue to pray for all outreaches going on this summer.)
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Breaking News – For Uganda

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10,000 copies of The Missing Peace Booklet are now ready to be shipped to Uganda, they will be leaving in a few days time, I'll keep you updated when they arrive. I have now returned from Serbia and I am so excited in all that God is doing there. The adrenaline is still running fast after seeing the growth in the churches and also the spiritual growth. I want you to join with me in Thanking and Praising God for answered prayer, also to thank you for your prayers and support not only for Serbia but for other countries God lays on your hearts. My health held up and I managed to get some swimming in which was also good for my hip and I was careful in the many other things I did. I left Serbia with sadness and tears and a heavy heart but rejoicing knowing that this work will continue. August is a month that I spend with my family as there are so many birthday celebrations and the promotion of my dear wife Rita to glory 10 years ago on the 10th, also my own 80th birthday on 8th. Nevertheless, I shall be keeping in contact with Serbia and beyond and keep you posted. In His Love – Brother Tony.
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