News from
Tony Packer

Breaking News – For Uganda

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10,000 copies of The Missing Peace Booklet are now ready to be shipped to Uganda, they will be leaving in a few days time, I'll keep you updated when they arrive. I have now returned from Serbia and I am so excited in all that God is doing there. The adrenaline is still running fast after seeing the growth in the churches and also the spiritual growth. I want you to join with me in Thanking and Praising God for answered prayer, also to thank you for your prayers and support not only for Serbia but for other countries God lays on your hearts. My health held up and I managed to get some swimming in which was also good for my hip and I was careful in the many other things I did. I left Serbia with sadness and tears and a heavy heart but rejoicing knowing that this work will continue. August is a month that I spend with my family as there are so many birthday celebrations and the promotion of my dear wife Rita to glory 10 years ago on the 10th, also my own 80th birthday on 8th. Nevertheless, I shall be keeping in contact with Serbia and beyond and keep you posted. In His Love – Brother Tony.