News from
Tony Packer

"How to be Saved"

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The booklet shown, “How to be saved” is in great demand here and a reprint has already gone to the printers. Villages around Backa Palanka continue to be visited with gospel tracts, and soon a door to door will commence.

Spiritual Growth: - Last Sunday it was a joy to see a young teenager stand up in church and acknowledge Jesus as her Saviour before she gets baptised shortly. Driving further north, it was a joy to visit a Methodist Church and see the growth there of new people joining the church, then it was a few days in the refugee camp and a number of good conversations with the refugees.

Back to Backa Palanka, there was no bible study as sickness hit a number of members, but I was able to have a one to one with a Christian businessman over coffee in the warm spring sunshine. We concluded by visiting a fortress overlooking Novi Sad and praying over the city. Keep praying for the work here and elsewhere, prayers are being answered. God Bless - Tony.

Update - March 2023

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Today, I spent the morning with around 150 Ukrainian people, it was a spiritual, social, food bank and many other things to help make their life a little better here in the UK. The joy I had in talking with people about Our Saviour and giving them Bibles in their own language and also the booklet The Missing Peace. Many good contacts were made, and the follow-up work will begin in three weeks.
Why three weeks? I leave for Serbia on Wednesday 15th, a heavy programme plus spending time in the refugee camp, thank you for your prayers. Two weeks ago I heard a lovely story of a man travelling on a ferry to Ireland, in the restaurant while having coffee, a man came and sat with him, and he just want to know more about God. A Muslim overheard the conversation, and he too wanted to know more. God answers Prayer – Thank you for your prayers – Brother Tony.

Feb 2023 Update

Dear Prayer Warriors around the world, thank you for your continued prayers and interest in the work of Global Passion and other groups that we are associated with.

In the Balkans, January is quite a quiet month with snow and temperatures dropping to below zero but more on that in a moment. I had the privilege to spend January in the warmer climates of Australia visiting my son and his family, relaxing, swimming and recharging my batteries (as we say here in England) and returning home refreshed. It was a wonderful time but the work in the Balkans and Worldwide, was never far from my thoughts, my heart and my prayers.

Catching up with all that has been going on has been encouraging and seeing many answers to prayer. Through the winter the programme for a Gospel In every Home has continued and many people are requesting more literature. The unsaved are making contact and want to know more, Praise the Lord

We praise God that the booklet The Missing Peace is now printed in Russian and Ukrainian and available here in the UK.  Also a large amount will be printed in Russian and Ukrainian in Europe.

Please continue to pray for the Balkans, it has been in the news a great deal lately and the situation is still quite volatile. But we continue with His guiding Hand and go forth in His Name. God bless you where ever you are, Brother Tony.

Happy New Year

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May I take this opportunity of wishing you a Happy New Year, Philippians 3 verses 12 - 14 is very real to me right now at the beginning of this New Year. In 2022, we saw many answers to prayer in the Balkans, indeed great answers to pray which have encouraged me to pray for greater things for 2023. We Praise God that the booklet The Missing Peace came off the printing press in Russian and Ukrainian in time for Christmas here in the UK for use in the Avonmouth and Royal Portbury docks. Already these booklets have gone out, and we are praying for God’s blessing on those who are reading them. Today, I leave for Australia to see my family there but will keep you up with any news from the Balkans and Beyond. Praying for you all. God Bless - Tony

Breaking News!

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We are please to tell you all that the versions of The Missing Peace in Russian and Ukraine have now been printed and available on the GlobalPassion and MissingPeace web sites. Right now they are available in the UK and early next year will be available in the Balkans, it is available to download for free. We give thanks and Praise to God for this, we also thank Nadia who has spent so much time in getting these versions translated and checked. We ask that you will continue to pray that God will take this booklet and use it for His Glory, what a joy it is when people come up to you and say, ‘we found the Saviour through this booklet’. Thank you all again for your prayers and support over the past year and I pray God’s Blessings upon you over this Christmas period where ever you are, God Bless – Brother Tony.
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