News from
Tony Packer

May Update

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Dear Prayer supporters around the world, my apologies for a long pause, I did write a report but it seems to have vanished into mid air. My last trip to Serbia (a few months ago now) was filled with blessings and encouragement as always, we know that when God is working the devil will do everything to put obstacles in the way, this time was no exceptions.
The refugee work continues with fewer people in the camps but, God’s love is being shown as the team serve them and His Word is shared with them. The main point for prayer is for a new leader to come and take over from Lidia as she goes on maternity leave. Churches continue to grow in the faith and people are being added to the churches.

After a Sunday morning service in Sid, one of the team was verbally attacked by a man, this shocked the church as it happened in front of a number of people. Please pray for this attacker that God will speak to him. For me, I need to read Philippians Chapter 3 again and apply this to my life, have I fully surrendered my life to Him, as I serve Him? Thank you for your prayers, may God’s blessing be upon you all as you live for Him – Tony